January 27, 2009

Job Seeker Support Groups

One of the best sources of job leads is other job seekers.

People who are unemployed or under-employed are finding strength in support groups. Members of these groups are the front-line soldiers in the battle for jobs, and as a group, know more about where the openings are than probably any other single source. Except in the rare instance when two people are looking for the same type of job -- at the same level -- in the same geographic area, most job seekers are eager to share their knowledge and leads with others.

That is why career strategist and counselors (and I) recommend all job seekers connect with at least one job search group. I recently created such a group.

It's called the Frustrated Job Seeker Lounge.There are no membership fees or other costs associated with the group. You can make friends, network, ask for and share job leads, exchange ideas and experiences, role-play with other job seekers, and you can participate in the group whenever you want from the comfort of your home. Membership is open to anyone who is unemployed, under-employed, or considering a career change.


John Papers said...

Thanks for the post!

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