February 7, 2009

Will Your Credit Score Harm Your Job Search

Do you wonder if your credit history will effect your chances of landing a job? It could.

If the job you are applying for involves handling money or sensitive financial information, then yes your candidacy for that job could be questionable.

Here's some good advice from Gerri Willis, CNN Money:
"Your credit score won't matter because employers are not allowed to use credit scores as part of employment screening. But, they are allowed to look at your credit reports according to Deanna Templeton of Credit.com.

Employers must tell you if they'll be peeking into your report before they actually do it. Plus, they are not allowed to use that information as the sole reason to disqualify you for a job.

However, if the employer is going to review your credit report then it might not be a bad idea to be able to explain the circumstances behind the collections and any receipts you've got that prove you've been paying them off.

If your job includes you handling money or sensitive financial information then your credit is a bigger deal than if you are not. There's no one answer to whether or not to bring it up beforehand. Feel them out and if you believe it will improve your chances then bring it up says Templeton."


John Papers said...

Thank you for sharing this information..

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